Friday, April 3, 2009

effin Lions...

So after leaving Premium Ultra Lounge (which by the way is a good look on a Thursday night) last night, I cut on the TV to find out that the Denver Broncos traded top 10 quarterback Jay Cutler to the Chicago Bears. Now for my non-sports fans you may be thinking, "what does that have to do with the Lions?" It has a hell of a lot to do with the Lions.

Before i go on my rant I have to tell you my relationship with the professional football team that represents Detroit. I am and have been completely Lion-free for about a season and a half. That means I no longer get emotionally attached to the team, their decisions, or their play on the field. It hurts too bad. This doesnt mean however that I dont care or root for my home team. I just think that they need to earn my support back because...well does 0-16 ring a bell?

With that said, I think the Lions missed out on a golden opportunity to make a splash for once. We have the #1 overall draft pick in a year when no one wants the pick because there are no sure-shot superstars. The Lions need to fill many holes on their roster. Among them being the QUARTERBACK position. Many argue that the Defense needs a major upgrade before the offense. I don't disagree. I do however feel that the Lions (being the genius' that they are) aren't gonna use the #1 pick on a defensive player. So...if you're gonna go offense (presumably Matthew Stafford, QB Georgia), why not get a proven commodity if you have the chance. Im not saying that Jay Cutler is Tom Brady, but I am saying that he's no Joey Harrington. We don't know what Matt Stafford is. He could be the best QB ever to play (highly unlikely), he could be an average serviceable QB, or he could flat out stink. If the rumor was true that the Lions could have traded the #1 and #30 picks in the draft for Jay Cutler, then Im disappointed that they didn't pull the trigger.

While I do believe that the post-Matt Millen regime has made some good moves, I think their worst move has been the one that they didn't make. effin Lions.

*oh yeah, not to mention he got traded to a team in our division. Mark my words, "Jay Cutler is gonna light us up this year." Watch.

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