Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Allen Iverson banned!!!

Allen Iverson has recently been banned from both MGM and Greektown casinos in downtown Detroit. The NBA is looking into a disturbance at the Greektown Casino that involved one of Iverson's body guards.
Iverson, though, has been banned mostly for being a sore loser. Chris McClosky (Det. News) reports that "he is a bad loser, and he loses a lot, often throwing his chips or cards at the dealer. He has been warned about improper behavior at the tables repeatedly. He is often loud and disruptive, according to witnesses, rude to dealers, other players and the wait staff."

Damn Ivo...1st you get shelved by the Pistons, now this? You need to just go chill in Vegas or some shit. Don't let the doorknob hit you on the way out. Deuces.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah...this character is a mess at the casinos! Hated seein him there...loud ass!